Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Rusty space marine - low poly

My first attempt at a low polygon game character (3472 faces) with normal mapping. I did no preliminary drawings, just jammed and came up with this. I think I'll plan the next one out a bit more as I had some problems with the undercuts when it came to normal mapping him in Max9. In fact when it boiled down to it the normal mapping was really unnecessary, good experience though!

Modelled in Silo2, UV'ed in Max9 and rendered out in Max 9. I'll try out some of Ben Clowards shaders soon if all goes to plan with the next character.

SM_Wires SM_Fin SM_Plastic

Wireframe ...........Rendered .............. Plasticcy!

I was pleased with his "attitude" and think it might be interesting to rig him up and pose him.

Anyway, he's kind of finished and I'm now working on a character inspired by the work of Moebius and Bilal (thats the plan anyway) I'm a sucker for the European artists.

More soon...

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