So I had a go today at copying a bit of Wally Woods artwork from an old Mad magazine.
Pencilled it out and then used my trusty fountain pen (a Hero 329 if you're interested, great cheap Chinese fountain pen. Cost under a fiver new including postage from China. Its designed along the lines of the Parker '51 and '61. A classic apparently and its great to draw with its very fine smooth nib. God I'm a geek)
Yeah, anyway good old Wally, one of the very best comic artists there's ever been in my opinion. His work on "The Outer Space Spirit" with Eisner is just breathtaking, he defined that whole '50s sci fi look and you can see his influence everywhere.
He had some tough times before the end poor devil, scratching a living in a cold damp room trying to make a buck before he took his own life with a pistol to the temple. His health had deteriorated so badly he was blind in one eye, virtually paralysed on one whole side of his body and most of his internal organs packing up. But he carried on working. Unbelievable.
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