Saturday, 24 November 2007

Weird Science Fantasy no 27 cover

Bought an old EC comic, Weird Science Fantasy no 27 published in January 1955. Got it for a song, its only in fair condition but the artwork inside is intact. Not bad for a comic thats over 50 years old anyway!

Amazing cover so it's good subject matter for a bit of practise with the pencil and pen. Who said rock n' roll was dead? Me.

Recognise the helmet and retro style? Wally (yes Mr Wood again!) invented it. Actually someone'll probably mail me now and say "Hey actually it was Ditko/Crandell/Frazetta/Kirby/Feldstein/Davis/etc or a million other guys. Maybe so. But Woody did a pretty good job of it didn't he?
He certainly did. And all before we even had colour tv's. 1955.....gulp.

Heres the original -

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